Walking the edge of the Rio Grande

We hiked the Rio Grande West Rim Trail. It follows the edge of the gorge from the Rio Grande Gorge bridge, a National Historic bridge that is over 600 feet above the river. (We were warned by a hiker coming out that a tarantula was on the trail ahead and be careful not to step on it.)

And I just can’t wait for the Pizza, Salad and Orange Fanta on Ice at Pizanos in El Prado NM.


    1. No sightings of the wary tarantula. It did make E’s eyes go wide for awhile.

      From the Taos Newspaper
      “Enviro brief: Tarantula ‘migration’ underway
      By Cody Hooks
      Every fall, the roads around Northern New Mexico are dotted with tarantulas. Though many people call it a “migration,” it really isn’t; male spiders go on the move to find a mate.”

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